
Tuesday, December 16, 2003

I trained a new biker today. It was the first time that I've done that. I didn't know I was doing it until I got paged into the hub first thing in the morning and they told me that I was training the guy standing there. Neat.

It went fairly well and I think he'll be back tomorrow. I'm surprised each time a new trainee shows up these days. It's pretty inclining weather in which to take up a job as a bike courier.

There is the bike messenger christmas party this Friday, and the company I work for it having it's annual non-denominational dinner-dance on Saturday. Should be a fun weekend.

We're supposed to get freezing rain tonight. I hope it blows over before I start work in the morning.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

I saw a lady today on one of those electric carts. It had a bumper sticker on the back that said "SKYDIVING!" and there was a toll-free number. I guess I should have written down the number.

I have a bike polo picture up on DeviantArt, so go look at it.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Someone mailed a cat. Seriously. An alive cat. It was outside of their place of business (on York St. in the market) so they put it in a cardboard box, cut a couple of holes in it and mailed it to the Humane Society. That's not cool. You shouldn't mail cats. I'm also guessing that it's not at all legal and that we're not exactly insured for that sort of thing. I didn't handle the cat in case you were wondering. Because it was in a box, it was a car-call.

What I can't figure out is why she was so determined to get rid of a cat outside her place of work? Next time I'm there I'm going to ask.

I think of stuff to put in my blog all the time while I'm working, but when I come home I usually can't think of much. Well, other than the cat.

Here is some funny/odd miscellany:
- One of the organizations we deliver for/to is called the "Military Police Complaints Commission". That's one of the places where the receptionist is behind glass and you have to slide stuff back and forth through a slot. That's not un-common though.
- I got a signature from a woman today named Malboeuf. I believe this is French for "bad beef". That's funny to me.
- If you live in Ottawa you should check out the driveway in front of 161 Laurier. There is some sort of warning sign, presumably for the cars or their passengers. I'm not sure what it is meant to indicate, but if I had to guess I'd say "icy crocodile". I might get a picture of it someday for those who live out of town.
- The UPS couriers carry around these little rugged computer things for scanning their deliveries and uploading signatures, etc... They look like a brown Speak and Spell. They have the following warning on the back: "Do not carry or use device and do not remove or install battery in areas marked as 'potentially explosive atmospheres'. Sparks could cause an explosion or fire. Turn off transmitters in 'blasting areas'." Awesome.

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